About The Fencers' Stenciler
Since 1992, Marx Enterprises has been known as the Fencers' Stenciler. That's because we supply fencers around the world with fine stenciling and custom designs at an affordable price and with satisfaction guaranteed.
Marx Enterprises developed the stenciling process in the United States, and over the years, we've improved the process to ensure clean, long-lasting stenciling on fencing knickers, jackets, and lames. We proudly serve USA Fencing as well as fencing clubs, colleges, high school teams, and individuals.
Why choose us?
Fencers around the world choose Marx Enterprises. Here's why:
Experience. Nobody in the United States has done this for as long as we have.
Guarantee. We guarantee complete satisfaction with our work.
Speed. We turn most projects around in a week if mailed by priority mail. Express handling is available.
Compliance. Our designs and stencils adhere to current FIE regulations.
Quality. Our unique process will not impair the conductivity of the lame or the integrity of FIE uniforms.